Training Rides

Training? Do it Eastern Shore Style!

OxfordStMichaelsBikeRouteTraining Rides
Why train here on the Eastern Shore? In the words of pro triathletes that participate in the Eagleman 70.3 triathlon, “It’s flat. It’s fast. It’s windy. It’s KONA.”

Want to join a training group? Join us on Facebook. Be sure to check out some of our other suggested cycling routes!

When you ride here on the shore, expect the road to be open and the shoulders to be wide. With the exception of a few back roads, most bike rides will have a 4 foot shoulder with no rumble strips. Prepare to pedal all day long as there are no hills (maybe a small bridge or two).

Stop in the shop today and we can customize a bicycle ride for you today using computer software. We’ll even print you out a cue sheet for your ride.


We now have one-way tickets for the Oxford Ferry ride here at the shop. The cost is $4.00 for a one-way ticket. Come enjoy the 27 mile bike ride from our shop, and returning here.

The Oxford St. Michaels Route has been recognized as one of the Top 25 cycling routes in the Country!

Want to check out other cycling routes in our area? Visit the Talbot Tourism website for a PDF of all of the great cycling routes Talbot County has to offer!

And if you can’t bring your bike with you, not to worry, we have training bikes available for rent. Please call ahead for more info.